Shangri La

Shangri La

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Right, What's All This Then?

Q: Hey. What you doin'?
A: Typing.
Q: Looks like a blog. What about?
A: Overtly, it's a chronicle of my attempt to realize a 10-year dream of owning my own cabin in Vermont.
Q: Why 'overtly'?
A: Because it will probably end up largely being about almost anything but.
Q: Like?
A: Woodworking, partisanship, corporate life, Zen, toddlers, British cars, annoying people, modern life, gardening, home maintenance, the irrelevancy of opinions (ironically), cats, dogs, neighbors, vermin, vacations, New England, high school reunions, Joss Whedon, my lame novel, business analysis, yard work, IPAs, food, really nice tools, ennui, diminished expectations, sushi, insurance, the virtues of an open fire, and the sanctity of fiscal responsibility, whether practiced or not.
Q: But you'll at least occasionally provide an update on the cabin?
A: Almost certainly. Or at least possibly.
Q: Will the other stuff be funny, or at least interesting?
A: I doubt it, unless you're me, in which case you'll find everything here riveting.
Q: Can you give me a good reason to read it?
A: Well, if - like me - you're inclined to cash out a 401(k) in the middle of the worst market since 1929, search for land in a grossly overpriced area, and attempt to build a cabin from scratch despite having no building skills while simultaneously trying to convince your wife that this isn't another example of your demonstrated ability to bite off more than you can chew, then you might enjoy commiserating with me.
Q: Sorry, that doesn't sound like me.
A: I suspect you're in the majority. Fortunately, I enjoy hearing myself talk, so I should be all the audience I need.
Q: OK, then. Maybe I'll be back.
A: Drop in anytime. If the light's on, we're home.

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